Interface IPlusAuthClientOptions



acr_values?: string
audience?: string
authStore?: StateStore<any>
autoSilentRenew?: boolean

Enable/disable automatic access token renewal. If enabled, access tokens will be refreshed by using silent login in an iframe before they expire.

Also see secondsToRefreshAccessTokenBeforeExp

checkSession?: boolean

Enable/Disable session monitoring.

checkSessionInterval?: number

Session checking interval in milliseconds. Defaults to 2000

claims?: Record<string, any>
claims_locales?: string
client_id: string
client_secret?: string
clockSkew?: number

The amount of clock skew tolerated for time comparisons between the Authorization server and client in seconds.

code_challenge?: string
code_challenge_method?: string
code_verifier?: string
currentTimeInMillis?: (() => number)

Type declaration

    • (): number
    • Custom current time function to be used for time related operations. If client clock is far ahead or far before from authorization server's time, token validations will fail. If any Network Time Protocol service used, use this method to provide current time to the library.

      Returns number

display?: string
extraLogoutParams?: {
    [key: string]: string;

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string
extraParams?: {
    [key: string]: any;

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
fragment?: string
httpClient?: ((options) => Promise<any>)

Type declaration

    • (options): Promise<any>
    • Parameters

      • options: RequestOptions

      Returns Promise<any>

idTokenValidator?: ((idToken) => Promise<boolean>)

Type declaration

    • (idToken): Promise<boolean>
    • Additional id token validator. By default only payload fields validated. If you need additional validations, like signature validation, you should implement and provide it with this option.


      • idToken: string

        raw id token string

      Returns Promise<boolean>

id_token_hint?: string
issuer: string
login_hint?: string
nonce?: string
nonceLength?: number

Generated nonce length. Defaults to 10


post_logout_redirect_uri?: string
prompt?: string
redirect_uri?: string
registration?: string
requestUserInfo?: boolean

Fetch user profile by using UserInfo Request after successful authorization. Usually this wouldn't not be necessary if id token is received.

response_mode?: string
response_type?: string
scope?: string
secondsToRefreshAccessTokenBeforeExp?: number

The number of seconds before an access token is to expire to renew it automatically. Related to autoSilentRenew

silentRequestTimeout?: number

Number of seconds to wait for the silent renew to return before assuming it has failed or timed out (default: 10). Related to autoSilentRenew

silent_redirect_uri?: string
state?: string
stateLength?: number

Generated state length. Defaults to 10


stateStore?: StateStore<any>

Custom state store. See StateStore

ui_locales?: string
useRefreshToken?: boolean

If true, refresh tokens will be used for renewing access token. If false, authorization request will be performed silently in an iframe.

web_message_target?: string
web_message_uri?: string